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Admissions Open 2020-21


“Gratitude is not only the greatest virtues but the parent of all the others”
With the growing need to cater to the emotional well-being of the student community, NPS, Chikkabanavara took an iniative towards teaching Life Skills under the title ‘Life’ to our students. One skill will be introduced every month to imbibe values into our children and help them change their outlook on life.
The skill on focus for this month was ‘Gratitude’ and Management, Staff and students celebrated Gratitude Day on July 15, 2024. The day commenced wih a special assemply with a skit performance by the Grade X students illustrating the impact of being thankful in life for the all the little things.
Junior School Principal, Ms Rajee Samjith introduced to the skill of the month ‘Gratitude’ and spoke to students on how being thankful can lead to a happier life.
Senior School Principal, Ms Priyanka Suresh and Junior School Principal, Ms Rajee Samjith unveiled the “Thank You Tree” bulletin board. This board will display ‘thank you’ notes by Management, Staff, Students and Parents to express their gratitude and appreciation by writing notes or messages and attaching them to the “tree.”
The students were enlightened about the importance of Gratitude. They were all given a gratitude slip, asked to write about what they are grateful for and dropped it into the gratitude jar kept in the school.
CEO Ms Preethi Reddy also dropped the gratitude slip in the jar and addressed the students enlightening them about instilling value of gratitude in our school community and promoting positive behaviour.
The Gratitude Tree Bulletin Board has been placed in the school front office in order to ensure parents and visitors could also be part of this initiative and hang notes expressing what they are grateful for.
Throughout the month, various activities will be conducted to engage students in the spirit of gratitude. Students will express their gratitude to various proffessionals and people who work tirelessly to make our lives better.
This activity not only fostered creativity but also strengthened bonds within the school community.