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The tiny-tots from Pre-Primary celebrated World music day on Friday, the 21st of June 2024.

A special assembly was conducted and the teacher explained the importance of the World Music Day with a story. Action songs were sung and instruments like the keyboard, guitar and egg shakers were used to support them.The children clapped along enthusiastically, their faces lighting up with joy as they moved to the rhythm. Teachers guided them through each song, encouraging participation and fostering a sense of community. The room was filled with laughter and the sound of tiny feet tapping to the beat. It was more than just a musical session; it was an opportunity for the children to develop their motor skills, enhance their listening abilities, and express themselves creatively.

The Junior school Principal, Ms.Rajee Samjith sang an action song while the children eagerly followed along with the movements. Laughter and giggles filled the air as they clapped their hands and stomped their feet in time with the melody. Teachers could see the enthusiasm and excitement in the children’s eyes, a testament to the magic of music. As the final notes of the last song echoed through the room, everyone felt a sense of accomplishment and joy, ready to take on the rest of the day with newfound energy and enthusiasm.

As the event came to an end, the tiny-tots were beaming with joy, their love for music ignited. It was indeed a day filled with harmony, learning, and unforgettable memories, reminding everyone of the power of music to bring people together. By the end of the day, the school was alive with the sounds of melodies, laughter, and the joyful chatter of tiny-tots discussing their favourite part of the celebration.

It was clear that World Music Day had not only educated them about different musical traditions but had also sown the seeds for a lifelong appreciation of music.